Thursday, August 7, 2008

CRC - Children Right Convention Article

Article 9

Article 2

Article 3

Articele 4

Article 5

Article 6

Article 7

Article 8

Article 8

Article 11

Article 13

Article 14

Article 15

Articel 16

Article 17

Article 18

Article 19

Article 19

Articel 20

articel 24

Article 28

Article 31

Article 32

Article 33

Article 34

Articel 35

Article 38

Article 40

Monday, July 28, 2008

Anak Tupai


Ada seko anok tupa,
Atah jula mokte,
Kudung eko, peghuk lapa
Jale caghi make 2x

(Ada seekor anak tupai di atas dahan pokok rambutan.
Ekornya kudung, perutnya lapar. Jalan cari makan)

Kejadie tuhe, di pangge namo tupa
Asa nyo dale ute, sejenih mamalia..

(Diciptakan tuhan, diberi nama tupai. Asalnya dr hutan, sejenis mamalia)

Kalu pasa jakkik kot dahe,
Dio lah ye paling handa,
Jatoh jaghe-jaghe,
Keghano dio tok soba..

(kalau pasal lompat-lompat dr dahan ke dahan, dia lah yg paling terer.
Jarang2 jatuh. Kalau jatuh pun sbb dia tak sabar)

Sepanda-panda tupa meloppak,
Jatuh tannoh jugok,
Nok wi hambak oghe jahak,
Janghe telajok maghoh

(Sepandai-pandai tupai melompat, akhirnya jatuh ke tanah juga.
kalau nak tangkap atau kejar org jahat, jgn terlampau marah)

Oghe jame ghitu, pakak hambak tupa
Bimbe ko buoh baghu, takok tok de besa
Hanyo deghie, duku .. kalu de nya keghik tupa,
Pendek taung tu, nyo deghie tok de nok jua

(Org zaman dulu, ramai-ramai kejar tupai. Risaukan kebun,kalau ada buah baru, takut tak sempat besar. Kalau pokok durian ke, duku ke.. kalau dah digigit tupai, tahun tu mesti durian tak boleh nak jual)

Oghe seghabuk, tupa seko
Beghambak aghi-aghi,
Nyo pakak likong, nyo pakak pekong,
Tupa tok leh laghi

(Org serabut dgn tupai seekor. Hari2 berkejar-kejar.
Semua org pakat2 kepung, pakat2 baling dgn batu.. Akhirnya tupai tak boleh lari lagi)

Setakak bede ado, tupa habih mati,
Hokni lah sayo raso, kito sangak ghugi
Kito maknusio, setinggi mano pong kito ngaji,
Nok wak tupa seko tetu skali doh tok jadi

(sejak ada senapang/ pistol, tupai dah byk mati. Yg ini lah saya rasa, kite sgt rugi. Kite manusia ni, setinggi mana pun kite belajar, kalau nak soh buat tupai sekor, tentu skali tak menjadi)

Loni kapung, atah pagar, jaghe buleh tengok,
Bapok tupa, ibu tupa, jale bawok anok 2x

(Skarang ni, di kampung, kalau kat atas pagar, dah jarang boleh nampak..
bapak tupai, mak tupai jalan bawak anak)

Ghaso sie sunggoh, tengok seko anok tupa,
Keghano telajok kughuh, sapa tok leh nok niti pagar
Bulu-bulu pong habes lughoh, air mato begha-begha,
Maghi dale baghoh, bokali keno ghacung tupa

(rasa kesian sungguh!.. bila tengok seekor anak tupai.. Disebabkan terlalu kurus, sampai tak boleh nak meniti pagar. Bulu2 di badan pun dah habes luruh,
air mata berlinang-linang. Dtg dr dlm baruh, mungkin dia termakan racun tupai)

Dodoi Si Manja

Lagu-lagu dodoian melayu untuk si manja..

Tidurlah Intan - Sheila Majid

Manja - Amy Mastura

Suriram - Dayang Nurfaizah

Tidurlah Adik - Dayang Nurfaizah

O Bulan - Sheila Majid

Burung Kenek-kenek - Fauziah Latif

Ikan Kekek - Amy Mastura

Harapan - Fauziah Latif

Timangan Untung - Ziana Zain

Can Mali Can - Ziana Zain

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Monday, March 10, 2008

Flowers are red..?

Flowers are Red

by Harry Chapin

A little boy went first day at school
He got some crayons and he started to draw
He put colors all over the paper
For colors was what he saw
The teacher said, "What you doin' young man?"
"I'm paintin' flowers see"
"Well this is not the time for art young man
And anyway flowers are green and red
There's a time for everything young man
a way it should be done
You've got to show concern for everyone else
For you're not the only one"
And she said...
"Flowers are red
Green leaves are green
There's no need to see flowers any other way
Than they way they always have been seen "
But the little boy said...
"There are so many colors in the rainbow
So many colors in the morning sun
So many colors in the flower and I see every one"
Well the teacher said… "You're sassy
There's a way that things should be
And you'll paint flowers the way they are
So repeat after me..."
she said...
"Flowers are red
Green leaves are green
There's no need to see flowers any other way
Than they way they always have been seen "
But the little boy said again...
"There are so many colors in the rainbow
So many colors in the morning sun
So many colors in the flower and I see every one"
Well the teacher put him in a corner
She said… "It's for your own good…
And you won't come out 'til you get it right
responding like you should"
Well finally he got lonely
Frightened thoughts filled his head
And he went up to that teacher
And this is what he said
"Flowers are red, green leaves are green
There's no need to see flowers any other way
Than the way they always have been seen"

Well time went by like it always does
he moved to another town
And the little boy went to another school
And this is what he found
The teacher there was smilin'
She said..."Painting should be fun
And there are so many colors in a flower
So let's paint every one"
that little boy painted flowers
In neat rows of green and red
And when the teacher asked him "why"
This is what he said..
"Flowers are red, green leaves are green
There's no need to see flowers any other way
Than the way they always have been seen."
But there must still be a way to have our children say,
There are so many colors in the rainbow
So many colors in the morning sun
So many colors in the flower and I see every one
There are so many colors in the rainbow
So many colors in the morning sun
So many colors in the flower and I see every one

My Mum Is Amazing

My Mum Is Amazing
Album : Allah Knows
Munsyid : Zain Bhikha Feat Nadeera Ali

She wakes early in the morning with a smile

And she holds my head up high:

"Don’t you ever let anybody put you down -

‘Coz you are my little angel"

Then she makes something warm for me to drink -

‘Coz it’s cold out there, she thinks

Then she walks me to school - yes, I ain’t no fool

I just think my mum is amazing


She makes me feel -

Like I can do anything

And when she’s with me

There’s nowhere else I’d rather be

After school, she’s waiting by the gate

I’m so happy that I just can’t wait -

To get home to tell her how my day went

Eat the yummy food only my mum makes

Then I wind her up ‘coz I don’t want to bath

And we run around the house with a laugh

No matter what I say, she gets her way

I think my mum is amazing


In the evening, she tucks me into bed

And I wrap my arms around her head

Then she tells me a tale of a girl far away -

Who one day became a princess

I’m so happy - I don’t want her to leave

So she lies in bed with me

As I close my eyes, how lucky am I -

To have a mum that’s so amazing


Then I wake up in the morning - she’s not there

And I realise she never was

And I’m still here in this lonely orphanage -

With so many just like me

And as my dreams begin to fade

I try hard to look forward to my day

But there’s a pain in my heart that’s a craving:

How I wish I had a mum that’s amazing

Would be amazing